It is a thing too fire, with respect to meeting on fire? The whole world sells nowadays most electronic product of fire -- malic Iphone, Ipad, goods of store up of business of commodities from abnormal channel, malic confusing is begged hard. However, the product sells fire, the news that the best selling ata pci waits for quality problem about Ipad, Ipod also explodes again and again piece, and still be " old issue " , airframe occurrence overheat, even on fire.
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Japan of Ipod airfr most popular selling usb harddrive enclosure ame overheat is severe check
The intermediary outside occupying reports, the malic Ipod player of an user hold is abrupt inside railroad car on fire, bring about train of Tokyo outskirts of a city to be forced to halt use 8 minutes. The member that place favour d the best selling moto gp xbox oes not have a person gets hurt in this accident.
ata pciAllegedly, japan already aimed at Ipod via producing a province to be early at the beginning of this month, this machine is abrupt on fire incident is undoubtedly " pour oil on the fire " . Japan says via producing a province, the apple is hidden the truth from in Japan signe moto gp xbox best buy d up for IPod Nano portable music 34 cases to broadcast incident of machine overheat on fire. And since November 2007, japan already produced player of IPod Nano music 27 cases overheat or catch fire incident, among them 4 bring about an user slight burn. Actually, after be being instructed here, the apple fathers with respect to what already was in Japanese government check under. Latest news says, before August 31, the apple needs to submit relevant report to Japanese consumer office.
To problem of on fire of before this many Ipod, the apple states these event are very unusual only, and the other type that does not involve Nano. Nevertheless, be willing to be the Ipod that consumer changes to give out heat out of order.
Ipad and Iphone 4 escape hard " fate "
Regard new product of the apple as Ipad and Iphone 4, also very " unfortunate " the ground acceded the dense disease of elder.
ata pci
Recently, the apple is sued in American mainland by 3 consumer, call IPad flat computer existence overheat circumstance and fail to move normally below warm circumstance. As we have learned, user in sunshine direct illuminate falls, this flat computer " shut automatically, such circumstance appears after the most popular usb harddrive enclosure using a few minutes sometimes " . Current, these 3 consumer with respect to this matter already to California Oakland city a federal court ment motogp xbox wiki ions appeal to.
Just appeared on the market Iphone 4 also at going up the month produced event of most popular selling moto gp xbox first on fire. As we have learned, when user of an Iphone 4 is using machine of USB jumper handle and computer link one case to charge for the mobile phone, airframe crust warms up suddenly quickly, catch fire suddenly next and burnable hand ministry, the USB catenary wiring that this user uses is to accord with mobile phone type. Final, the user reimburses this machine operation trader, changed a new machine.
Airfram most popular selling ata pci e overheat is the fault that industry designs
Unifinication does not have juncture clipper-built airframe, frivolous degree approximately perfect, this is the place that malic product makes nowadays wet person is infatuate, but designing because of such industry, bringing about is easier than other product occurrence overheat, it is spontaneous combustion phenomenon very more. Before Ipad is born, malic Imac jotter often denounces by the user overheat, the news that often has batteries explosion sees Zhu Baoduan. Mr Zhang represents computer technology public figure, this also is why other PC manufacturer dare not do unifinication not to have juncture design on jotter, appear very easily machine overheat circumstance.
Although Ipad is the processor that uses ARM framework, but after all flat computer is different from a smartphone, flat computer firm ever said frankly to the the most popular ata pci reporter, flat computer most scabrous problem comes loose namely hot.
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